"Acceptance of nature's wonderful and blisful pleasure is the real science of the universe"

According to geologists, all crystals have an identical atomic atomic structure and chemical composition. A jeweller explores the beauty and attraction of crystals and exhibits them in the form of jewellery. According to archeologists and historians, the basis of cultural heritage is these very crystals. The industrialists and technologists have accepted crystals as a main source of energy in modern technology. For example, a small crystal can be converted into microchip, which ultimately becomes the heart of a computer. Healers in the field of alternative madicines believe that the crystals are main source of transmission of energy.

Today, we shall take a step forward on the path of development of physical, mental and spiritual powers through these crystals. Or it can be said that we will make them an important tool for total development in life through crystal healing.

At first sight, these crystals look like beautiful stones for making jewellery. But we will make them significant healing media for gettin real experiances. When the realistic results of the effects of their natural powers on materialistic world and science will be known, it will result in acceptance by the scientists who have always been conservative. It has taken science four thousand years to understand old ancient technique and still the research is incomplete. Today, the modern culture has also accpted that the nature is a treasure of devine and unpredictable energies. these wonderful experiances are endless. With the help of this natural healing technique; the life can be made peaceful, happy and prosperous. Reiki, Chi, Cosmic Energy etc. are different names given to our Etheric or Aura body, which works as a shield and main source of energy surrounding our physical body. This aura keeps our body balanced. The aura body along with physical body and the mental body can be balanced with the help of "CRYSTALS".